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Travel to Egypt resumes

Deluxe Tours Egypt > Blog > Travel to Egypt resumes

On July 1, Egypt resumed international traffic and began to receive foreigners at the resorts of Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh, which were declared “clean from COVID-19 zones.”

Now the hotels have been allowed to increase load up to 75%. All of them have already passed the test and received safety certificates. The authorities have prepared hospitals and quarantine hotels for the summer season. Those who fall ill on vacation will be paid for medicines and treatment from the Coronavirus Foundation.

Tourists will be checked at airports – they will have to confirm that no symptoms of the virus have occurred over the past 14 days. Visitors from countries with a large number of infected people need to have a certificate confirming the absence of COVID-19. It will be possible to do it at the airport, but you can’t leave anywhere until the results are obtained (about 4 hours).

The country’s authorities soften quarantine measures as well – reduce curfews and increase the opening hours of stores.

Now in Egypt almost 40 thousand cases of coronavirus infection have been registered, more than 10 thousand people have recovered.

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