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How was Egypt’s pyramids built?

Egyptian Pyramids The pyramids are historically important buildings, thanks to their complex design, as well as hieroglyphic writings and distinctive artifacts, Egypt has approximately 138 pyramids, all built for the same purpose: the burial of the pharaohs’ kings, all built on the western side of the Nile, because of its close association with the world of the dead.

How was Egypt’s pyramids built?

The ancient Egyptians needed a lot of labor to build the pyramids, although the construction of the pyramids was not a short time ago; for example, the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built over a period of 23 years, and it took between 20,000 and 30,000 men to build, and slaves were believed to be the ones who worked. In the construction of the pyramids, however, research conducted by Professor Donald Redford, an ancient Professor of Mediterranean Studies, mentioned the differences that prevailed regarding those who worked in the construction of the pyramids, stating that it was the peasants who worked in the construction of the pyramids, in exchange for some incentives, such as providing food, housing and clothing for them free of charge, in addition to exempting them from taxes.

Limestone is the basis for the construction of pyramids, in addition to other materials, such as granite used in the construction of interior walls, and basalt used in floors, and workers have used various tools to be able to break stones, such as pickers, granite hammers, copper azamel, and after cracking them, they are transported to construction sites through boats In the Nile, it was towed and transported to the construction site by a lubricated pillar, as confirmed by one of the sculptures in an ancient cemetery, where the embodiment of a group of men (173 men) appeared, pulling stones with a lubricated pillar, and lifted up by brick staircases, covered with stiff wax.

The way the pyramids were built is a secret that many scientists and researchers have tried to uncover through drawing sand murals uncovered during excavations and excavations of the pyramids, and many researchers believe that this secret appeared in one of the frescoes found in the tomb of Djehutiho. It shows a man pouring water in front of the latch on the sand, which shows the trick the ancient Egyptians used to move heavy stones to build pyramids, and this painting is a key to knowing the way the pharaohs used to build the pyramids, which consisted of pouring water on the sand, to facilitate the transport of stones on the latch, and dragged by slaves.

What are The most important Egyptian pyramids?

Here are the most important pyramids in Egypt: Pyramids of Giza: The Three Pyramids of Giza were built between 2575 and 2465 B.C., during the Fourth Dynasty, in the western Nile river region of northern Egypt, on a rocky plateau near Giza. By UNESCO (United Nations Organization for Science, Education and Culture), the Khufu Pyramid is the oldest of these three pyramids, and it is named after the second ruler of the Fourth Dynasty (Khufu), also called the Great Pyramid, with an original height of 147 m, and its façades are all approximately 230 meters on average.

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The Middle Pyramid was built from the Pyramids of Giza by King Khaffar, the fourth king of the Fourth Dynasty, named after him, where it is 216 m long from the base, and its original height, Faisal to 143 AD, and with regard to the third pyramid, it is the southern pyramid built For Menqar, the fifth king of the Fourth Dynasty, where its original height is 66 m, and its length, Faisal to 109 m from its base, it is worth mentioning that these three pyramids were stolen from the inside, and outside, in ancient times and medieval times.

Zoser Pyramid: The Pyramid of Zusser, one of the oldest memorial buildings in the world, is located in the Saqqara region;  It is worth noting that the design of this unique pyramid came by the architect Imhotep, who made it a six-tiered pyramid, with a height of 61 meters, and this pyramid was built in the period between 2630  and و2611B.C.

Pyramids of Sakkara, Deluxe Tours Egypt

Red Pyramid: In the Dahshur region, not far from Saqqara, the red pyramid built for Pharaoh Snefrom  (the father of King Khufu), the first real pyramid built in Egypt, is the second largest pyramid in Egypt in terms of its base, and it is worth noting that the visitor has access to the burial chamber in this pyramid, and to see it in full.

Red Pyramids, Cairo attractions, Deluxe Tours Egypt

Midum Pyramid: On the edge of the desert, the Pyramid of Midum, built by order of King Smurfs, is the pharaohs’ first attempt to build the pyramids, where this pyramid consists of probably eight layers, and can be seen only the top three layers of the pyramid, as it stands out tall amid the desert sands, and the Pyramid of Midum is the first pyramid to appear on top of the burial chamber in the form of a vault with beautiful, magnificent walls.


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