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Farafra Oasis

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  • Farafra
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  • Historical sites

Farafra, is a small oasis on the land of Egypt dating back to the Pharaonic era, where Farafra was mentioned in ancient Egyptian documents, especially since the tenth dynasty in the twenty-first century BC. tribes from time to time. It is located 320 km northwest of Dakhla, 170 km south of Bahariya Oasis, 360 km southwest of Marsa Matrouh, and 627 km from Ca

History of Farafra

Farafra or the land of cows as the ancient Egyptians knew it, and they called it this title because of the abundance of pastures and cows there.

In Roman times, Farafra, Dakhla Oasis, and Bahariya Oasis were the land of grain for the Roman Empire, and it was called the land of grain.

In the first Christian era, Farafra was a haven for Egyptian Christians who were persecuted by the Romans. Many Christians fled to Farafra and left their fingerprints clear in the areas of Reverend Abu Said, Ain Ibshaway and Wadi Hans, all of which are Egyptian Christian names.

During many periods of ancient history, after the Arab conquest entered Egypt, the trade of dates and olives flourished between Farafra and the Nile Valley. Camel caravans carried the products of the oasis to Dayrut on the Nile and returned with fabrics, tea, and everything produced by the land of the Nile Valley and Farafra.

Farafra fainted for some time to show its scientific importance, which prompted Khedive Ismail, the governor of Egypt, to divert the trip of the famous German scientist Gerhard Rolf in 1874 AD to find out whether there was a real waterless river in the area or not. Rolf tried to penetrate the greater sea of ​​sand, which is located To the west of Farafra and a width of 300 km to Libya, he could not, and then headed north with a convoy consisting of 100 camels and 90 men, 12 of whom were German in various branches of science, whether geology, plants, animals, archeology. Astronomy – Surveying and the publication of his famous book Three Months in the Western Desert

Among the settlements of Egypt, which have retained their appearance as much as possible since ancient times, the oasis of Farafra with its only village Al-Qasr stands out. It is located on the road from Baharia to Dakhla and remains today the most remote island of life in the Western desert. If you like solitude or you are interested in the original life of the Egyptians, you are here – 550 km southwest of Cairo, the governor of New Valley, an oasis, which also serves as a starting point for a trip through the famous White Desert.

Entertainment and Attractions

The Farafra Oasis has been around for over a thousand years. Thanks to this, he repeatedly witnessed the most important historical events, confirmation of which can be found both in the village of Al-Qasr and in its environs. For example, during the reign of Rome, a fortress was erected here, partially preserved to this day. She defended the caravans from the attacks of the nomads. Later, Egyptian Copts hid in Farafra, persecuted by the Roman authorities for their religious beliefs. Locals can show fragments of the buildings they built. Al-Qasr is home to about 6 thousand Bedouins. Their adobe houses and narrow streets running between them will allow guests to feel the spirit of traditional Egyptian architecture.

Unlike neighboring Baharia, few people know English in Farafra. Travelers who visit it recommend learning in Arabic at least greetings and numbers.

Farafra is famous for its springs; there are more than a hundred of them, and part is used for agricultural needs. Tourists are usually taken to the Wadi Hanas Valley, located 55 km northeast of Al Qasrah, where you can plunge into clean cool water in the shade of palm groves. The first baths were equipped here by the Romans. In addition, near the village there are hot springs Bir Sita and Bir Sabba, as well as Lake Abu Noss, around which many birds live.

Historical Sites

There is the Farafra Palace, built with mud bricks, and the Abu Minqar Palace, which are the remains of buildings dating back to the Roman era.

Farafra well

This deep self-flowing well is located six kilometers to the west of the city of Farafra, and its water temperature is 24 degrees Celsius throughout the year.

A tourist village was established near it, which includes a restaurant, cafeteria, swimming pool and green spaces. The elements of natural and environmental tourism meet in the area.

And there is the world-renowned White Desert, which is visited by tourists from all over the world. The Farafra Oasis is linked to other oases and the Nile Valley by a good network of land transportation