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Facts you should know when traveling to Egypt

Deluxe Tours Egypt > Egypt Travel Tips > Facts you should know when traveling to Egypt

Anyone who wants to visit Egypt or going to book one of the Egypt tours packages, he or she is going to have the unexpected fun and enjoyment he/she haven’t thought of. Egypt is known for its massive pyramids, ancient temples, Red Sea and the river Nile. All are known among world’s best tourist attractions. Everyone wish to visit the Egypt to witness its magnificence of structural and natural beauties. The amazing ruins of the place would fascinate you surely.

As Egypt is a desert land, most of the civilization existed along the Nile River. It played a crucial role for the survival of Egyptians in yesteryears and still playing its important role. If you want to travel to Egypt, you should aware of its some of the facts and truths so that you can enjoy being there while traveling fully. You should be aware that:

  • When Arabic interpretation is performed for the word “Egypt”, it stands for civilization.
  • The dynasties of the ancient Egypt are divided into three groups – Old Kingdoms, Middle Kingdoms and New Kingdoms. The pharaohs period started in 3,100 BC that was ruled by Pharaoh Mena. Egypt witnessed 29 subsequent dynasties.
  • The river Nile is the longest river in the world and has the width of 20 kilometers.
  • Egypt is one of the African countries and about 387,000 square miles in size.
  • In Africa, it is the second most populous country. It has more than 70 million people living in the country.
  • Literacy rate of Egypt is 57% and education is compulsory here.
  • Most of the population of Egypt resides in the cities of Cairo and Alexandria and along the Nile River. 3,800 people reside per square mile.
  • For a short period, Napoleon Bonaparte ruled the country. The country was also ruled by Romans, Turks, Persians and Greeks.
  • It has abundance of natural gas and is about to become a leading natural gas exporter.
  • The electricity is provided through The Aswan High Dam.

Many of the aspects related to Egypt will only be known by you when you personally travel to Egypt.

If ever, there was a country that fascinates people on a large scale, it is Egypt. From pharaohs to the Nile, it is an amazing place.

There is a long list of its cuisine and dishes cooked here tat lure the tourists. Some of them are Kebdah, Durham, Kessiah, Molokheyyah, Kobeiba, Roz Meaammar, Shawerma, Tehina, Tehina salad, Falafel, Duqqa, Shakshouka, Bram rice, Beeftek, Besara, Kersha. Several restaurants in urban settlement allow you to have the taste of Egyptian dishes. Many roadside stalls and restaurants offer these eatable items especially cooked in Egyptian way.

When you book one of the Egypt tours packages from online Egyptian travel agency, you can enjoy visiting places like:

  • Karnak Temple Complex – ancient temples
  • Giza – has largest pyramids
  • Saqqara – ancient burial ground
  • Alexandria – has museums and summer resorts
  • Cairo and Cairo museum,
  • Ain Sukhna – has number of beach resorts
  • Abu Simbel – archeological site
  • Sinai Peninsula – has coral reefs

Once you land on the vicinity of Egypt, you will fascinated by the charm of the country. Though, it is a desert land, yet the many natural aspects of beautiful surroundings will certainly magnetize you. There are lots of opportunities to spend lovely and adventurous days with your closed ones be it cruising down the Nile River or diving in the Red Sea or eating Falafel in one of the restaurants. Besides its urban area, you can enjoy being there in its rural settlements along the Nile banks. Every corner of the Egypt will provide you with many answers you always wanted to know.

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